Why Clu?
Clu Labs
Use your skills to unlock relevant and exclusive job opportunities at top companies.
Build your skills profile and discover companies looking for what you do best.
Prioritise applying for organisations you know are interested in you.
Get the tips and insights you need to land your next role, quicker.
Sarah O joined UKTV
Job boards want you to apply to thousands of jobs you'll never get. And that's not right.
Click ‘I‘d work here‘ on a company page to let them know you’re interested and increase your chances of getting noticed.
You can apply for jobs in Clu, but Employers can also invite you to apply for a job if they really like your profile.
So keep an eye out for your Exclusive Invitations on the home page.
From tech innovators to human rights defenders, we verify and work with every employer in Clu to ensure you discover only the best organisations.
We know most people undervalue their most valuable skills.
That's why Clu helps you understand your unique skill set so that in every job recommendation you receive, you see how good you'd be at it.